BISAC Subject Headings List

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Use "COMPUTERS / Electronic Commerce" for works on the computer skills and technology needed to facilitate electronic commerce and use subjects beginning with "BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / E-Commerce" for works discussing the business aspects of electronic commerce.


COM000000  COMPUTERS / General

COM004000  COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / General

COM016000  COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition

COM025000  COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / Expert Systems

COM100000  COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / Generative AI *

                               COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning see Data Science / Machine Learning *

COM042000  COMPUTERS / Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing

COM093000  COMPUTERS / Blockchain

COM005000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / General

COM027000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Accounting & Finance

COM005030  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Business Intelligence

COM066000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Collaboration

COM084010  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Databases

COM084020  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Email Clients

COM084030  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Office Suites

COM078000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Presentations

COM081000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Project Management Tools

COM054000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Spreadsheets

COM058000  COMPUTERS / Business & Productivity Software / Word Processing

COM006000  COMPUTERS / Buyer's Guides

COM055000  COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / General

COM055030  COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / Cisco

COM055010  COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / CompTIA (incl. A+)

COM055020  COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / Microsoft

COM055040  COMPUTERS / Certification Guides / Oracle

COM011000  COMPUTERS / Computer Architecture

COM059000  COMPUTERS / Computer Engineering

                               COMPUTERS / Computer Industry see BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Industries / Computers & Information Technology

COM013000  COMPUTERS / Computer Literacy

COM014000  COMPUTERS / Computer Science

COM072000  COMPUTERS / Computer Simulation

                                  COMPUTERS / Computer Viruses see Security / Viruses & Malware

COM017000  COMPUTERS / Cybernetics

                                  COMPUTERS / Data Recovery see System Administration / Backup & Recovery

COM018000  COMPUTERS / Data Science / General

COM021030  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Data Analytics

COM062000  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Data Modeling & Design

COM089000  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Data Visualization

COM021040  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Data Warehousing

COM094000  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Machine Learning

COM044000  COMPUTERS / Data Science / Neural Networks

COM021000  COMPUTERS / Database Administration & Management

COM087000  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / General

COM087010  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / Audio

COM007000  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / CAD-CAM

COM087020  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / Graphics Tools

COM087030  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / Photography (see also PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Digital)

COM071000  COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / Video & Animation

COM048000  COMPUTERS / Distributed Systems / General

COM061000  COMPUTERS / Distributed Systems / Client-Server Computing

COM091000  COMPUTERS / Distributed Systems / Cloud Computing

COM063000  COMPUTERS / Document Management

COM085000  COMPUTERS / Documentation & Technical Writing

COM023000  COMPUTERS / Educational Software

COM064000  COMPUTERS / Electronic Commerce (see also headings under BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / E-Commerce)

                               COMPUTERS / Email see Business & Productivity Software / Email Clients or System Administration / Email Servers

COM092000  COMPUTERS / Embedded Computer Systems

                                   COMPUTERS / Entertainment & Games see GAMES & ACTIVITIES / Video & Mobile

                                   COMPUTERS / Financial Applications see Business & Productivity Software / Accounting & Finance

COM099000  COMPUTERS / Forensics

                                   COMPUTERS / Games see Programming / Games or GAMES & ACTIVITIES / Video & Mobile

COM067000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / General

COM074000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Cell Phones & Devices

COM041000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Chips & Processors

COM038000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Mainframes & Minicomputers

COM050000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Personal Computers / General

COM050020  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Personal Computers / Macintosh

COM050010  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Personal Computers / PCs

COM049000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Printers, Scanners & External Accessories

COM090000  COMPUTERS / Hardware / Tablets

COM080000  COMPUTERS / History

COM079010  COMPUTERS / Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

                                 COMPUTERS / Hypertext Systems see Languages / HTML

COM012050  COMPUTERS / Image Processing

                                 COMPUTERS / Information Storage & Retrieval see System Administration / Storage & Retrieval

COM032000  COMPUTERS / Information Technology

COM031000  COMPUTERS / Information Theory

                              COMPUTERS / Input-Output Equipment see headings under Hardware

COM034000  COMPUTERS / Interactive & Multimedia

COM060000  COMPUTERS / Internet / General

COM060100  COMPUTERS / Internet / Blogging

                                  COMPUTERS / Internet / Commercial Use see Electronic Commerce or headings under BUSINESS & ECONOMICS/ E-Commerce

COM060170  COMPUTERS / Internet / Content Management Systems

                                 COMPUTERS / Internet / Intranets see Networking / Intranets & Extranets

COM060040  COMPUTERS / Internet / Online Safety & Privacy

COM060110  COMPUTERS / Internet / Podcasting & Webcasting

COM060120  COMPUTERS / Internet / Search Engines

COM060140  COMPUTERS / Internet / Social Media

COM060150  COMPUTERS / Internet / User-Generated Content

COM060010  COMPUTERS / Internet / Web Browsers

COM060130  COMPUTERS / Internet / Web Design

COM060160  COMPUTERS / Internet / Web Programming

COM060180  COMPUTERS / Internet / Web Services & APIs

COM095000  COMPUTERS / Internet of Things (IoT)

COM051010  COMPUTERS / Languages / General

COM051040  COMPUTERS / Languages / Assembly Language

COM051060  COMPUTERS / Languages / C

COM051070  COMPUTERS / Languages / C++

COM051310  COMPUTERS / Languages / C#

COM051270  COMPUTERS / Languages / HTML

COM051280  COMPUTERS / Languages / Java

COM051260  COMPUTERS / Languages / JavaScript

COM051480  COMPUTERS / Languages / JSON

COM051470  COMPUTERS / Languages / .NET

COM051350  COMPUTERS / Languages / Perl

COM051400  COMPUTERS / Languages / PHP

COM051360  COMPUTERS / Languages / Python

COM051410  COMPUTERS / Languages / Ruby

COM051170  COMPUTERS / Languages / SQL

COM051450  COMPUTERS / Languages / UML

COM051200  COMPUTERS / Languages / Visual BASIC

COM051320  COMPUTERS / Languages / XML

COM036000  COMPUTERS / Logic Design

COM037000  COMPUTERS / Machine Theory

                                  COMPUTERS / Mainframes & Minicomputers see Hardware / Mainframes & Minicomputers

COM039000  COMPUTERS / Management Information Systems

COM077000  COMPUTERS / Mathematical & Statistical Software

                                  COMPUTERS / Multimedia see Interactive & Multimedia

COM043000  COMPUTERS / Networking / General

COM075000  COMPUTERS / Networking / Hardware

COM060030  COMPUTERS / Networking / Intranets & Extranets

COM043020  COMPUTERS / Networking / Local Area Networks (LANs)

COM043040  COMPUTERS / Networking / Network Protocols

                                  COMPUTERS / Networking / Security see Security / Network Security

COM046000  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / General

COM046100  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Android

COM046110  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / iOS

COM046070  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Linux

COM046020  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Mac OS

COM046080  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Mainframe & Midrange

COM046030  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / UNIX

COM046040  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Desktop

COM046050  COMPUTERS / Operating Systems / Windows Server

COM047000  COMPUTERS / Optical Data Processing

COM096000  COMPUTERS / Parallel Processing

                                  COMPUTERS / Peripherals see Hardware / Printers, Scanners & External Accessories

                                  COMPUTERS / Personal Computers & Microcomputers see headings under Hardware / Personal Computers

COM051000  COMPUTERS / Programming / General

COM051300  COMPUTERS / Programming / Algorithms

COM010000  COMPUTERS / Programming / Compilers

COM012040  COMPUTERS / Programming / Games

                                 COMPUTERS / Programming / Languages see headings under Languages

COM051370  COMPUTERS / Programming / Macintosh

COM051380  COMPUTERS / Programming / Microsoft

COM051460  COMPUTERS / Programming / Mobile Devices

COM051210  COMPUTERS / Programming / Object Oriented

COM051390  COMPUTERS / Programming / Open Source

COM051220  COMPUTERS / Programming / Parallel

                                 COMPUTERS / Programming Languages see headings under Languages

COM097000  COMPUTERS / Quantum Computing

COM052000  COMPUTERS / Reference

COM053000  COMPUTERS / Security / General

COM083000  COMPUTERS / Security / Cryptography & Encryption

COM043050  COMPUTERS / Security / Network Security

COM015000  COMPUTERS / Security / Viruses & Malware

COM079000  COMPUTERS / Social Aspects

COM051230  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / General

COM012000  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Computer Graphics

COM051430  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Project Management

COM051330  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Quality Assurance & Testing

COM051240  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Systems Analysis & Design

COM051440  COMPUTERS / Software Development & Engineering / Tools

COM073000  COMPUTERS / Speech & Audio Processing

COM088000  COMPUTERS / System Administration / General

COM019000  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Backup & Recovery

COM020020  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Email Servers

COM088010  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Linux & UNIX Administration

COM030000  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Storage & Retrieval

COM046090  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Virtualization & Containerization

COM088020  COMPUTERS / System Administration / Windows Administration

                                  COMPUTERS / Systems Analysis see Software Development & Engineering / Systems Analysis & Design

COM070000  COMPUTERS / User Interfaces

                                  COMPUTERS / Video Games see GAMES & ACTIVITIES / Video & Mobile

COM057000  COMPUTERS / Virtual & Augmented Reality

                                  COMPUTERS / Viruses see Security / Viruses & Malware

COM098000  COMPUTERS / Voice Search & Digital Assistants


If your title does not have subject content, i.e. a blank book, please use the Non-Classifiable term below. Otherwise, use the Subject/General term in the closest descriptive area. NON000000 NON-CLASSIFIABLE

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