BISAC Subject Headings List
Use the information provided here to determine the specific codes that describe your book. An asterisk (*) denotes a new heading for the current year’s edition. Not sure how to select your code? Check out our FAQ.
If you can't find the code you're looking for after reviewing all the pages below, we recommend you use whatever codes currently best represent your book. If you want to propose a new code for future BISAC additions, you can submit a suggestion here.
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Multiple subjects in this and other sections may be used to describe a work fully: for example, a book of Mexican travel photography could be assigned "TRAVEL / Mexico" and "PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Regional".
Subjects beginning with "PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes" are generally meant to be used for works containing photographs relating to the subjects and themes specified; however, these subjects can also be used for works on the techniques used to take photographs of these subjects and themes. If a subject beginning with "PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes" is used in this way, it is recommended that a subject beginning with "PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques" be assigned as well.
PHO000000 PHOTOGRAPHY / General
PHO025000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Annuals
PHO026000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Astrophotography
PHOTOGRAPHY / Basic Techniques see headings under Techniques
PHO003000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Business Aspects
PHOTOGRAPHY / Camera Specific see Techniques / Equipment
PHO004000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions / General
PHO004010 PHOTOGRAPHY / Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions / Group Shows
PHO004020 PHOTOGRAPHY / Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions / Permanent Collections
PHO021000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Commercial
PHO005000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Criticism
PHO027000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Forensic
PHO010000 PHOTOGRAPHY / History
PHO011000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Individual Photographers / General
PHO011010 PHOTOGRAPHY / Individual Photographers / Artists' Books
PHO011020 PHOTOGRAPHY / Individual Photographers / Essays
PHO011030 PHOTOGRAPHY / Individual Photographers / Monographs
PHOTOGRAPHY / Nature & Wildlife see Subjects & Themes / Plants & Animals
PHO014000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Photoessays & Documentaries
PHO015000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Photojournalism
PHO017000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Reference
PHO023000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / General
PHO023010 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Aerial
PHO001000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Architectural & Industrial
PHO023070 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Celebrations & Events
PHO023080 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Celebrity
PHO023020 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Children
PHO023030 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Erotica
PHO009000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Fashion
PHO023110 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Food
PHO023100 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Historical
PHO023040 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Landscapes
PHO023090 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Lifestyles
PHO023050 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Nudes
PHO013000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Plants & Animals
PHO016000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Portraits & Selfies
PHO019000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Regional (see also TRAVEL / Pictorials)
PHO023060 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Sports
PHO023120 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Street Photography
PHO023130 PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Underwater
PHO018000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / General
PHO022000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Cinematography & Videography
PHO020000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Color
PHO006000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Darkroom
PHO024000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Digital (see also COMPUTERS / Design, Graphics & Media / Photography)
PHO007000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Equipment
PHO012000 PHOTOGRAPHY / Techniques / Lighting
PHOTOGRAPHY / Travel see Subjects & Themes / Regional
PHOTOGRAPHY / Videography see Techniques / Cinematography & Videography
If your title does not have subject content, i.e. a blank book, please use the Non-Classifiable term below. Otherwise, use the Subject/General term in the closest descriptive area. NON000000 NON-CLASSIFIABLE
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