Subject Codes Committee Meeting

Thursday, November 20, 2025
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM (EST)
This meeting will be held via Zoom.
Category: Committee Meetings

The Subject Codes Committee meets monthly via Zoom; meetings are open to all members of BISG. Chaired by Connie Harbison of Baker & Taylor, the committee maintains the BISAC Subject Codes, Merchandising Themes, and Regional Themes. The committee also provides guidance on the implementation and use of the lists by publishers, retailers, and other interested parties.

A request for RSVP will be distributed to committee members prior to each meeting. If you're interested in joining the Subject Codes Committee, please reach out to us at If you would like to request a new BISAC code, you can submit a suggestion here.

If you are a professional in the book industry and would like to join the Subject Codes Committee, please reach out to us at Participation in committees is a benefit of membership in BISG.