Rights Committee

An angled close-up of a wall of light wood shelves lined with books.

About the Rights Committee

The Rights Committee helps BISG develop, maintain, and advocate for industry-wide best practices designed to support a standardized electronic transmission of a defined set of rights information between trading partners. Accurately communicating rights information between parties can grow revenue, reduce transaction costs, and avoid costly errors.

Headshot of Kris Kliemann, Rights committee chair
Committee Chair:

Kris Kliemann, Kliemann & Company

Join this committee        Committee charter 

Committee Objectives

  • Identify the most important problems facing the publishing industry in rights
  • Identify areas of consensus where standards would be valuable
  • Pilot a rights taxonomy across multiple parts of the book publishing industry
  • Make rights information more accessible for both internal and external audiences to improve publishers’ ability to financially benefit from their intellectual property

What We Do

Without rights there are no revenue streams. We help to develop the infrastructure required to obtain revenue from existing contracted deals, clarify “who owns what” to reduce instances in which rights transactions are considered too difficult to monetize, and recommend the investment in systems to track agreements and monetize rights investments to build and keep up with transaction volume.

Headshot of Claire Hodder, BISG Member and Rights Committee Member“The rights committee comprises agents, vendors, academics, and specialist consultants, as well as publishers, all coming together to find sustainable, practical solutions that will work across the ecosystem. We don't just talk about the daily problems we encounter as rights professionals, but we take steps to try to fix them. Knowing that you can really have an impact, not just on making your job better and more fulfilling, but the jobs of your peers in the rights community, as well as playing a part in moving the publishing industry itself forwards, is very rewarding.”

Clare Hodder

When We Meet

Icon of a calendar with rounded corners. Six boxes in two rows, with the lower middle one filled in. Blue-green gradient lineart.

The Rights Committee meets monthly via Zoom; our full meeting cycle for 2025 is listed below.

Meetings are held 11 AM - 12 PM ET.

You can also see our meeting schedule on our event page

Tuesday, January 21  (to accommodate MLK holiday)
Tuesday, February 18 (to accommodate President’s Day holiday)
Monday, March 17
Tuesday, April 22 (to accommodate Easter holiday) 
Monday, May 19
Monday, June 16
Monday, July 21
Monday, August 18
Monday, September 15
Monday, October 20
Monday, November 17 
Monday, December 15

What We Produce

From a white paper on publishing rights and a vendor grid to a taxonomy for managing rights, royalties, and permissions across the supply chain, we aim to make rights information more accessible across all audiences.

Click here to browse a complete list of Rights Committee work.

Committee Working Groups

Working groups are typically made up of a subgroup of committee members who work on a specific issue or issues related to this committee. The current Rights working groups, which meet via Zoom, include:

Rights Royalty Statement Standards Working Group Schedule
Meetings are held 11 AM - 12 PM ET
Thursday, January 9
Thursday, March 6
Thursday, May 8
Thursday, July 10
Thursday, September 4
Thursday, November 6

  • Rights imprint directory
  • "Frequently Asked Questions" maintenance team

Rights FAQ: The Basics

The processes used to acquire and manage rights to works, including whole works or permission to use part of a work, are collectively referred to as "rights in."

The processes used to sell, license, or manage rights to works, including whole works or permission to use part of a work, are collectively referred to as "rights out."

The types and nature of rights are constantly evolving. The list of potential rights, which is not intended to be exhaustive, includes:

  • Audio
  • Large print
  • Book club
  • Co-edition, co-publishing
  • Digital adaptations
  • Dramatic TV Film
  • Commercial/ Merchandising/Brand
  • Adaptations for comic books/graphic novels
  • E-book (static or enhanced)
  • Education school/ classroom use (coursepack)
  • Paperback and hardcover reprint (in the publisher’s own territory)
  • English language not US
  • Translation rights
  • Electronic database

Have other questions about rights and royalties? A full Rights FAQ is available here.

Explore Our Committees

Metadata Committee          Subject Codes Committee          Supply Chain Committee          Workflow Committee

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View from above of a desk with an open laptop, books lined up neatly, a pair of glasses, a camera, and apple, and a small pottted plant. The laptop is cropped at the keyboard, and most of the space is empty desk.