BISAC Subject Headings List

Use the information provided here to determine the specific codes that describe your book. An asterisk (*) denotes a new heading for the current year’s edition. Not sure how to select your code? Check out our FAQ.

If you can't find the code you're looking for after reviewing all the pages below, we recommend you use whatever codes currently best represent your book. If you want to suggest a new code for future BISAC additions, you can submit a suggestion here.

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Use subjects in this section for works written to help people deal with issues involving child-rearing or relationships.  For scholarly works, serious lay studies, or works aimed at psychology professionals, use subjects in the PSYCHOLOGY section.  For works written from a sociological viewpoint, use subjects in the SOCIAL SCIENCE section.



FAM001000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Abuse / General

FAM001010   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Abuse / Child Abuse

FAM001030   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Abuse / Domestic Partner Abuse

FAM001020   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Abuse / Elder Abuse

FAM002000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Activities

FAM004000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Adoption & Fostering

FAM062000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / African American & Black Families *

FAM006000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Alternative Family

FAM007000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Anger (see also SELF-HELP / Self-Management / Anger Management)

FAM063000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Asian American & Pacific Islander Families *

FAM047000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD-ADHD)

FAM048000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Autism Spectrum Disorders


FAM050000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Babysitting, Day Care & Child Care

                                    FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Bereavement see Death, Grief, Bereavement

                                   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Breastfeeding see HEALTH & FITNESS / Breastfeeding


FAM012000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Children with Special Needs

FAM060000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Chosen Family

FAM013000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Conflict Resolution


FAM014000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Death, Grief, Bereavement

FAM015000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Divorce & Separation

FAM052000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Dysfunctional Families

FAM016000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Education

FAM017000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Eldercare

FAM053000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Extended Family

FAM058000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Family History & Genealogy (see also REFERENCE / Genealogy & Heraldry)

FAM021000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Friendship

                                  FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Grief see Death, Grief, Bereavement

FAM064000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Hispanic & Latino Families *

                                    FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Humorous see HUMOR / Topic / Marriage & Family or HUMOR / Topic / Men, Women & Relationships

FAM061000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Indigenous Families

                                  FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Infertility see HEALTH & FITNESS / Fertility & Infertility

FAM028000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Learning Disabilities


FAM046000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / General

FAM003000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Adolescence

FAM025000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Infants & Toddlers

FAM005000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Later Years

FAM054000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Mid-Life

FAM039000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / School Age

FAM043000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Life Stages / Teenagers

FAM029000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Love & Romance

FAM030000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Marriage & Long-Term Relationships

FAM055000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Military Families

FAM059000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Miscarriage & Baby Loss

FAM057000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Multicultural & Multiracial Families

FAM034000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / General

FAM034020   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Co-Parenting

FAM020000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Fatherhood

FAM022000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Grandparenting

FAM032000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Motherhood

FAM033000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Parent & Adult Child

FAM034010   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Single Parent

FAM042000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Parenting / Stepparenting

FAM035000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Peer Pressure

                                   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Pregnancy & Childbirth see HEALTH & FITNESS / Pregnancy & Childbirth

FAM037000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Prejudice

FAM038000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Reference

                                   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Romance see Love & Romance

                                   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Sexuality see HEALTH & FITNESS / Sexuality or RELIGION / Sexuality & Gender Studies or SELF-HELP / Sexual Instruction


FAM044000   FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Toilet Training


If your title does not have subject content, i.e. a blank book, please use the Non-Classifiable term below. Otherwise, use the Subject/General term in the closest descriptive area. NON000000 NON-CLASSIFIABLE

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