Book Manufacturing Mastered Hotel Block Closes Tomorrow

Posted By: Brian F. O'Leary Announcements,

The Book Industry Study Group has partnered with the Book Manufacturing Institute (BMI), which represents printing and paper suppliers in the North American market, to promote participation in one of BMI's signature offerings: Book Manufacturing Mastered. The one-day event provides publishing staff with an overview of current issues and opportunities in book manufacturing. BMI launched the event in New York in 2020, and it has offered updated versions in recent years in Chicago and again in New York.

On October 1, the one-day meeting will take place in Boston at the Hyatt Regency Boston/Cambridge. Out-of-town guests can reserve a room at a special rate, but you need to book your hotel stay by September 5. Information about the event, including hotel, registration, agenda, and sponsorships, can be found by navigating to

The agenda for the day is fully developed and is presented below. If you're looking to take advantage of the special rate at the Hyatt, use this link to book a hotel room:

Tuesday Oct 1 Session
9:00 9:30

State of Industry – Marco Boer, IT Strategies and Jim Milliot, Publishers Weekly

9:30 10:30

Today’s publishing environment – What’s changed, what hasn’t changed, what needs to change. Moderator: Joe Upton, Gasch Printing, with Karen Pavlicin, Elva Resa; Sherin Pierce, Yankee Publishing; and Tim Jones, Harvard University Press

10:30 11:00 Break
11:00 12:00

Today’s printing environment – What’s changed, what hasn’t changed, what needs to change. Moderator: Andrea Fleck-Nesbit, IBPA with John Galligan, Bradford & Bigelow; Andrew Van Sprang, Maple Press; and Kent Larson, Bridgeport National Bindery

12:00 1:00 Lunch, sponsored by Maple Press
1:00 2:00

Paper and Supply Chain Panel with Robert Sockin, Citi and Bill Rojack, Midland Paper

2:00 3:30

Roundtable Discussions

3:30 5:30

Reception with Table Top Exhibitions sponsored by Bradford & Bigelow