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Recommendations for Citing Educational Standards and Objectives in Metadata

Recommendations for Citing Educational Standards and Objectives in Metadata provides a framework for using metadata to describe a publication's learning goals and objectives. It documents: how to use the BISG Educational Taxonomy; how to cite alignment with educational standards such as Common Core State Standards (CCSS); and how to use reading levels to enhance discovery of educational content by educators, librarians, parents, and others looking for resources to achieve a specific educational goal.

  • Includes the entire BISG Educational Taxonomy (Appendix 5)
  • Offers ONIX 2.1 and ONIX 3.0 examples
  • Provides additional guidelines for descriptions, keywords, and audience metadata
  • Documents results of surveys to educators & librarians
  • Identifies resources for learning more about educational standards

This document replaces the Recommendations for Citing Common Core State Standards in ONIX, published in 2014Further updates may be made as changes in industry practice for communicating learning objectives develop. 

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