BISAC Subject Headings List

Use the information provided here to determine the specific codes that describe your book. An asterisk (*) denotes a new heading for the current year’s edition. Not sure how to select your code? Check out our FAQ.

If you can't find the code you're looking for after reviewing all the pages below, we recommend you use whatever codes currently best represent your book. If you want to propose a new code for future BISAC additions, you can submit a suggestion here.

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Multiple subjects in this and other sections may be used to describe a work fully: for example, a book about family-oriented bed and breakfasts in Canada could be assigned "TRAVEL / Canada / General", "TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Bed & Breakfast" and "TRAVEL / Special Interest / Family".

TRV000000   TRAVEL / General

                               TRAVEL / Adventure see Special Interest / Adventure

TRV002000   TRAVEL / Africa / General

TRV002010   TRAVEL / Africa / Central

TRV002020   TRAVEL / Africa / East / General

TRV002030   TRAVEL / Africa / East / Kenya

TRV002050   TRAVEL / Africa / North / General

TRV002040   TRAVEL / Africa / North / Morocco

TRV002070   TRAVEL / Africa / South / General

TRV002060   TRAVEL / Africa / South / Republic of South Africa

TRV002080   TRAVEL / Africa / West

                                  TRAVEL / Antarctica see Polar Regions

TRV003000   TRAVEL / Asia / General

TRV003010   TRAVEL / Asia / Central

TRV003030   TRAVEL / Asia / East / General

TRV003020   TRAVEL / Asia / East / China

TRV003050   TRAVEL / Asia / East / Japan

TRV003080   TRAVEL / Asia / East / Korea

TRV003090   TRAVEL / Asia / East / Mongolia

TRV003100   TRAVEL / Asia / East / Taiwan

TRV003040   TRAVEL / Asia / India & South Asia

TRV003060   TRAVEL / Asia / Southeast

TRV003070   TRAVEL / Asia / Southwest

TRV004000   TRAVEL / Australia & Oceania

                                  TRAVEL / Campgrounds see Parks & Campgrounds

TRV006000   TRAVEL / Canada / General

TRV006010   TRAVEL / Canada / Atlantic Provinces (NB, NL, NS, PE)

TRV006040   TRAVEL / Canada / Northern Territories (NT, NU, YT)

TRV006020   TRAVEL / Canada / Ontario (ON)

TRV006030   TRAVEL / Canada / Prairie Provinces (MB, SK)

TRV006060   TRAVEL / Canada / Quebec (QC)

TRV006050   TRAVEL / Canada / Western Provinces (AB, BC)

TRV007000   TRAVEL / Caribbean & West Indies

TRV008000   TRAVEL / Central America

TRV010000   TRAVEL / Essays & Travelogues

TRV009000   TRAVEL / Europe / General

TRV009010   TRAVEL / Europe / Austria

TRV009020   TRAVEL / Europe / Benelux Countries (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)

TRV009160   TRAVEL / Europe / Cyprus

TRV009040   TRAVEL / Europe / Eastern

TRV009050   TRAVEL / Europe / France

TRV009060   TRAVEL / Europe / Germany

TRV009070   TRAVEL / Europe / Great Britain

TRV009080   TRAVEL / Europe / Greece

TRV009100   TRAVEL / Europe / Ireland

TRV009110   TRAVEL / Europe / Italy

TRV009120   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / General

TRV009030   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / Denmark

TRV009170   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / Finland

TRV009090   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / Iceland & Greenland

TRV009180   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / Norway

TRV009190   TRAVEL / Europe / Nordic & Scandinavian Countries / Sweden

TRV009130   TRAVEL / Europe / Spain & Portugal

TRV009140   TRAVEL / Europe / Switzerland

TRV009150   TRAVEL / Europe / Western

                              TRAVEL / Family Travel see Special Interest / Family

TRV036000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / General

TRV005000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Bed & Breakfast

TRV028000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Cruises

TRV013000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Hotels, Inns & Hostels

TRV035000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Rail Travel

TRV030000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Resorts & Spas

TRV022000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Restaurants

TRV031000   TRAVEL / Food, Lodging & Transportation / Road Travel

TRV027000   TRAVEL / Maps & Road Atlases (see also REFERENCE / Atlases, Gazetteers & Maps)

TRV014000   TRAVEL / Mexico

TRV015000   TRAVEL / Middle East / General

TRV015010   TRAVEL / Middle East / Egypt

TRV015020   TRAVEL / Middle East / Israel

TRV015030   TRAVEL / Middle East / Turkey

TRV016000   TRAVEL / Museums, Tours, Points of Interest

                                 TRAVEL / National Parks see Parks & Campgrounds

                                 TRAVEL / Oceania see Australia & Oceania

TRV018000   TRAVEL / Parks & Campgrounds

TRV019000   TRAVEL / Pictorials (see also PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes / Regional)

TRV020000   TRAVEL / Polar Regions

TRV021000   TRAVEL / Reference

TRV023000   TRAVEL / Russia

TRV024000   TRAVEL / South America / General

TRV024010   TRAVEL / South America / Argentina

TRV024020   TRAVEL / South America / Brazil

TRV024030   TRAVEL / South America / Chile & Easter Island

TRV024040   TRAVEL / South America / Ecuador & Galapagos Islands

TRV024050   TRAVEL / South America / Peru

TRV026000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / General

TRV001000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Adventure

TRV029000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Amusement & Theme Parks

TRV026100   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Bicycling

TRV033000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Budget

TRV026010   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Business

TRV026120   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Culinary

TRV026030   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Disability

TRV026020   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Ecotourism

TRV011000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Family

TRV026130   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Haunted & Unexplained

TRV034000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Hikes & Walks

TRV026070   TRAVEL / Special Interest / LGBTQ+

TRV026090   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Literary

TRV026110   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Military

TRV026040   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Pets

TRV026060   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Religious

TRV026140   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Roadside Attractions

TRV026150   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Romantic *

TRV026050   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Senior

TRV032000   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Shopping

TRV026160   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Solo *

TRV026080   TRAVEL / Special Interest / Sports

TRV025000   TRAVEL / United States / General

TRV025010   TRAVEL / United States / Midwest / General

TRV025020   TRAVEL / United States / Midwest / East North Central (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI)

TRV025030   TRAVEL / United States / Midwest / West North Central (IA, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD)

TRV025040   TRAVEL / United States / Northeast / General

TRV025050   TRAVEL / United States / Northeast / Middle Atlantic (NJ, NY, PA)

TRV025060   TRAVEL / United States / Northeast / New England (CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT)

TRV025070   TRAVEL / United States / South / General

TRV025080   TRAVEL / United States / South / East South Central (AL, KY, MS, TN)

TRV025090   TRAVEL / United States / South / South Atlantic (DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV)

TRV025100   TRAVEL / United States / South / West South Central (AR, LA, OK, TX)

TRV025110   TRAVEL / United States / West / General

TRV025120   TRAVEL / United States / West / Mountain (AZ, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, UT, WY)

TRV025130   TRAVEL / United States / West / Pacific (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA)

                                TRAVEL / West Indies see Caribbean & West Indies

If your title does not have subject content, i.e. a blank book, please use the Non-Classifiable term below. Otherwise, use the Subject/General term in the closest descriptive area. NON000000 NON-CLASSIFIABLE

© 2024, Book Industry Study Group, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of these lists or any attached documents may be distributed or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the Book Industry Study Group, Inc.